Savings Rates
Term Rate APY** IRA 0.30% 0.30% Savings 0.30% 0.30% Clubs 0.30% 0.30% -
Certificate Rates
Term Rate APY** 31 Days 3.50% 3.557% 3 Months 3.50% 3.557% 6 Months 3.90% 3.971% 12 Months 4.00% 4.075% 18 Months 4.00% 4.075% 24 Months 3.85% 3.919% 30 Months 3.85% 3.919% -
Money Market
Term Rate APY** $0.01-2,499.99 0.10% 0.10% $2,500-9,999.99 0.95% 0.95% $10,000.00-24,999.99 1.00% 1.01% $25,000.00-49,999.99 1.05% 1.06% $50,000.00 & Up 1.10% 1.11% -
Loan Rates
Loan Type APR* as low as New Auto 5.99% Used Auto 6.49% New Boat 6.25% Used Boat 7.25% New Motorcycle less than 1000 cc 11.25% New Motorcycle 1000 cc or greater 5.99% Used Motorcycle less than 1000 cc 11.25% Used Motorcycle 1000 cc or greater 6.49% New Recreational Vehicle 11.25% Used Recreational Vehicle 11.25% Farm Equipment 11.25% Personal Loan 13.75% MasterCard Standard 14.64% MasterCard Platinum 13.15% Share Secured Loan +2.0% Certificate Secured Loan Rate +2.0% Home Equity Line of Credit *Call for current rate and terms -
Mortgage Rates
Home Equity Line of Credit
Term APR* as low as 15-Year Term (with a variable rate) 8.5% Land Loans
Term APR* as low as 5 Year 8.5% 10 Year 9.0%